Friday, May 11, 2007

Would You Be Wanting to Live With a Pirate, Matey?

So we're holding an open house this weekend to replace my longest-term roommate within the house, and for some reason tonight the thought popped into my head about how it would be a really good idea to play a practical joke on one (or all) the people coming to check out the house.

What if I was to dress up in full Halloween attire (think Captain Jack Sparrow - tricorn hat, boots, saber, etc...) and talk in nothing but pirate sayings the whole time the potential roommate was visiting, and my current roommate acted like she didn't notice/there was nothing strange about it, and just kept interviewing and showing the room?

I think this would make a great hidden video sketch...

Any other thoughts on ways we could prank possible new roommates?


Blogger Jo said...

You can tell them you're all into Pagan sacrificial rituals and that every month on the first day of the full moon you sacrifice a goat in the backyard/living room. Just so they're aware of it. But you have to say it with a straight face.

Or you can empty a walk in closet and tell them that's their room...

I'm also thinking something along the lines of randomly singing and dancing but I haven't thought of what yet. I'll get back to you on that one.

1:09 PM  
Blogger Belle said...

The Pirate thing would be awesome. Getting their reactions on film would be mandatory.

Alternately, you could...

Act completely normal, but borrow the Secret Word gag from Pee Wee's Playhouse (Dude, that site is awesome). Make the word of the day something like "room" or "rent" or "place" so you know it will be used at least a few times with each prospective roommate. When they say it, you and your roommate scream your heads off for a few seconds (and maybe run around in circles or something) then go back to acting completely normal. If they question you, act like you don't know what they're talking about.

Then, of course, you could always make a sideways room. Again, act like you don't know what the hell they're talking about if they question you.

2:55 PM  
Blogger J said...

Jo- Not bad, although I think the biggest challenge is that I have no confidence in my roommate's ability to keep a straight face.

I like the walk-in closet idea, but we just don't have one in the house. Maybe the storage room would work.

Belle- Nice pull on the Pee Wee's Playhouse! You get props for the 80s flashback. In that vein, maybe I could dress totally 80s style. Me- like Don Johnson, my roommate in cut off top, side ponytail, leggings, etc... ooooh, I like this. ;)

5:00 PM  

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