Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Jock, the Princess, the Criminal, the Basket Case, and the Brain...

I was recently filling out a job application that asked the following question:

What are the dominating youth cultures present in America today that could be used to describe groups of high school students?

I struggled with the question for a while before throwing it to a couple friends, who helped me decide that they were looking for a list of stereotypical groups to typecast teenagers in. As such my answer consisted of:

Band Members
Hip Hop Nation
Indie Rockers

I realize this list isn't close to comprehensive, after all, where would you put the popular girls from "Mean Girls"? Or how many kids fall into the category of more than one of those groups? And I'm sure there's about 15 other possible categories I could have created, but I really struggled to define the lines between them.

If this question were thrown at you, what groups would you have added? Where would you have classified your high school self?

I'm quite confident that I was a definite "nerd" in HS. I went to college during my summers to take academic classes, I never hung out with the ultra-cool clique, I quit the band after freshman year, and while I played a few sports, I wasn't the guy rocking the sweet letterman's jacket.

Anyway, I guess I could always just have stolen John Hughes' response... maybe if it gets asked in an interview.


Blogger Belle said...

Most of my friends were band geeks in high school. Myself? Little bit of JROTC flunkie mixed with the whole newspaper thing. Not sure where that would fall, but you seem to have hit all the major stereotypes I can think of.

12:02 AM  
Blogger Jo said...

My school def had cliques but I was never in any of them. We were the floaters. Not geeks but not popular either.

3:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You forgot cheerleaders. The Mean Girlish girls usually get grouped into that category.

There's also the stoners, emotional basketcases/angsty artisic girls and the bullies

Yeah, thats all I got...poor effort on my part but I think you got it covered pretty well.

8:20 PM  
Blogger Bittersweet Confusion said...

Don't forget Emos/Goths. I also considered myself a floater.. I had friends from various cliques but didn't really feel like belonged in any of them.

2:58 PM  

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